
  • Tel: 718.309.4186
  • Fax: 718.828.1558
  • Perfecto
  • 1362 Leland Avenue
  • Bronx, NY 10460
  • United States of America

At Perfecto, our Westchester remodeling employees are, quite simply, the best in the business. For them, it is an intrinsic part of their nature to treat your property and our clients with nothing less than full respect. Additionally, our staff members are dedicated and they pay close attention to the finer details of each task or process. Always honest and thoroughly reliable, for our construction employees each job is more than just that: it is a labor of love.

You can rely on our construction staff to be responsive, helpful, intuitive, and always professional in all aspects of their work. We are pleased with the employees we have hired and know that they are excellent representatives for the company.