Competitive Commercial Carpets

  • Tel: 585.395.9500
  • Tel: 585.395.0661
  • Fax: 866.406.5618
  • Toll Free: 877.844.4606
  • Competitive Commercial Carpets
  • 5905 Lake Road South
  • Brockport, NY 14420
  • United States of America

Why is Competitive Commercial Carpet so much less than other avenues of purchasing carpet? _______________________________________________________________________ We ship anywhere! We sell the material and refer you to a local installer. ______________________________________________________________________ Competitive Commercial Carpet can offer first run quality carpet at 50-70% off of regular prices for a variety of reasons. First off, we don't have the overhead that most stores do. We do not have a store on Main Street, instead we have a warehouse off the beaten path in Upstate New York. Our rent is therefore much, much cheaper. We also don't have any sales associates or customer service reps, this means that store commissions or unnecessary salaries don't have to be paid. ________________________________________________________________________ Secondly, we buy truck loads of overruns, excess inventories and discontinued styles. All of these carpets are first run quality and are being sold at 50-70% off by the mills because they either have too much inventory or want to sell carpet styles quickly.