IF Green

  • Tel: 503-771-5730
  • Fax: 503- 236-9744
  • IF Green
  • 10 SE 10th Avenue
  • Portland, OR 97214
  • United States of America

What if where you sit, eat and sleep matters? At IF Green, we think it does.
What if? IF Green is contemporary, original, affordable furniture, cabinets and casework, made only from sustainable products. We offer simple lines and nothing unnecessary. Just strength and timeless beauty. And we ain’t kidding about the sustainable part. Take a look at what we make our furniture out of.

So much for the “What.”  Where does the “Why” come from?
After years in the building and furniture making worlds,  Stephen got tired of the 'trash-and-burn' mentality around building materials, especially wood products.  And as one of the nation’s top progressive strategists, Lisa got tired of rhetoric that too often didn’t get translated into action.

We believe that values don’t exist in a vacuum. That is why our business actively supports others who further the cause of sustainability. The IF Green Launch Party was a fundraiser for The ReBuilding Center, a local nonprofit building-materials recovery operation for homeowners and do-it-yourselfers interested in working with reclaimed, affordable, environmentally low-impact materials. With an inventory that changes hourly, The ReBuilding Center carries the largest variety of used building and remodeling materials in the nation. The place is a candy store for dumpster divers like ourselves.

Making sustainability an achievable goal for everyone’s home. Supporting environmentally sound practices throughout the community. And building gorgeous furniture, cabinets and casework. That’s the IF Green philosophy.

Products: IF Green
