Beach Glass Design

  • Tel: (828) 689-9190
  • Beach Glass Design
  • PO BOX 1358
  • Mars Hill, NC 28754
  • United States of America

Mark Peyton is an artist formed and faceted by the incredibly inventive 1960's. As a kid he used his own hair to make paint brushes. Growing up he worked as an ad agency artist by day living in an abandoned mansion at night with a bunch of hipsters. He protested the Vietnam War by rescuing a goat from slaughter, walking it across a bridge into Canada. This made headlines, 'War gets artists goat'.
 Then, coming to Florida he decided to stay awhile when a chameleon jumped onto his shoulder. Reconditioning a friends house he filled it with huge paintings of flowers. Taking a break at a beach bar he put his beer down and went to Peru where he survived by helping Andean Indians harvest potatoes. Feeling chill in his stone hut he decided, time to get it together. Mark came back to Florida. gathering beach glass, those collectable sand etched, jewel like fragments, he incorporated them into sculptures. Next step was at art fairs across the country. Success! Like many of those from the 1960's his originality puts him onto a unique level, like beach glass, no two alike. We can share Mark Peyton's creative life through his art for Beach Glass Design.

Products: Beach Glass Design

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