Becker Designed Inc

  • Tel: 703-803-6900
  • Fax: 703-803-6903
  • Becker Designed Inc
  • 14954 Bogle Drive
  • Chantilly, VA 20151
  • United States of America

I believe that in life each of us needs to discover our passion. Our reason for being. This driving passion is what gets us out of bed in the morning. It makes every day an adventure, and lets us sleep soundly at night.
 At BDI, our passion is Design.
 I have seen how great Design can positively affect everyday life. From cars to architecture to clothing, we gravitate toward items that energize, comfort and inspire us. Design expresses our emotion. It sets us apart and identifies us. To put it simply, fresh and innovative Design makes life better. It's easy to see why we at BDI are Design Driven.
 In BDI, you'll find a collection of furniture pieces that are unique, functional and great looking. Our Home Theater collections are engineered not only to meet the demanding needs of today's electronics, but to do so with furniture that enriches the home and the home theater experience. With integrated features such as hidden casters, adjustable shelves and wire management, a BDI Home Theater system successfully merges functional innovation with original and exciting Design.
 Our occasional table and mirror collections strive to go beyond mere function, to provide something more. We want the consumer to be as enriched by our products as we are in providing them. Even our packaging is thoughtfully designed, to insure that everything arrives in the best possible condition.
 As you view this product catalog, I hope that you are inspired to look at Design in a new way. To explore how good Design is more than simply looking good. True Design combines function, innovation, and style in a way that ignites the senses. It creates a passion.

Products: Becker Designed Inc

Wall Decor