Jafri Oriental Rugs

  • Tel: (518) 482-5755
  • Fax: (518)482-5756
  • Jafri Oriental Rugs
  • 116 Wolf Road
  • Albany, NY 12205
  • United States of America

We are direct importers of Oriental Rugs of the highest quality from Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, India, China, Napal, and Tibet. In addition, we handle Arts n' Crafts rugs, hooked rugs and needlepoint rugs. We also have a large selection of antique and semi-antique rugs which we ship all over the world.

The rugs we handle are the finest available. We maintain a carefully handpicked multi-million dollar inventory and have on hand the largest selection of Oriental rugs north of New York City. These rugs are originals and they are unique.
Our rugs are handmade of wool and silk, most of which have a knot count density of 300 - 400 knots per square inch. We also carry an even higher quality where the knot count density reaches as high as 800 knots per square inch. You cannot buy rugs of finer quality, anywhere in the world.

We are a full service business, handling every detail that relates to oriental rugs. In addition to importing and selling, we also provide expert cleaning and repair, convenient in-home consultations and accurate appraisals for oriental rugs.