
  • Tel: 212-777-7429
  • Toll Free: 800-982-7210
  • RugsUSAcom
  • 138 West 25th Street
  • New York City, NY 10003
  • United States of America

Welcome to, America's on-line area rug superstore for braided rugs, outdoor rugs, Flokati shags, cotton rag rugs, leather rugs, modern rugs, children rugs, Oriental and Persian rugs, and a wide range of accessories for the home. We offer big discounts on America's leading brands, including Shaw, Oriental Weavers Sphinx, Milliken, Safavieh Carpets, Momeni, Mohawk, Couristan, Colonial Mills, Capel, Home Dynamix, United Weavers, Feizy, Rug Market, Homespice Decor, KAS Oriental, Balta, Radici, 828, and rug pads, hall runners, and stair treads by Surya and many more.
 At / our goal is to provide you with discount rugs and house accents at 40% to 70% off suggested retail prices everyday.
 Shipping at Rugs USA / House Accents is always FREE no matter how large your order or where in the contiguous USA the item is being shipped. Our Price match guarantee further insures that you are getting the best value from our wide range of quality home accents, in fact we are so confident that we offer the best prices on everything that we carry that we'll beat any competitor by 10% guaranteed. Check out our Rug Blog for tips on decorating with area rugs and to learn about the latest trends in home decor and home accents. Please ask about our color catalog when you call our toll free number. Our catalog includes hundreds of unique and hard to find rugs from around the world.
 At Rugs USA / House Accents we want to be your source for all your home decor needs.
 Our goal is to help you find the perfect lighting, area rug, mirror, slipcover, framed art, decorative clocks and other decor items to suit your needs. Quality assurance has always been our number one goal, that is why we participate with so that you our valued customers can rate us on a variety of criteria relating to your purchase.