Article Number: 1152
Wicanders Noise Reduction Technology
Wicanders Acousticork NRT® - Proving there is such thing as Comfortable Silence.

Amorim Flooring N.A. and Wicanders brand Cork Oak Flooring are excited to announce the latest revolution in acoustic solutions. Wicanders Acousticork® Noise Reduction Technology (NRT®) is the leading-edge pioneer in sound and vibration reduction. After years of research and development, Amorim Flooring has engineered Acousticork NRT®, a cork-based core layer of flooring that makes a dramatic difference in the serene silence of any area.

NRT® is based on the cellular structure of natural Cork Oak. Cork Oak cells are one of nature’s unique designs. Cork cells are intricately shaped as hexagonal prisms and tightly woven in a honeycomb structure. A single cubic centimeter of Cork Oak contains nearly 40 million cells. The natural cushioned shape of the Cork cell has proven impossible to synthetically replicate or manufacture. With all of the accomplishments of modern science, Noise Reduction Technology has found no other flooring material as naturally safe and successfully sound absorbent as Wicanders Acousticork NRT®.

Acousticork NRT® significantly improves both step sound and impact sound. Independent tests show that Wicanders’ Acousticork NRT® floors achieve the best results in terms of step sound and impact sound when compared to a range of wood and laminate floors being marketed as having acoustic properties.

In fact, statements from flooring specialists say, “Acousticork NRT® flooring is probably the most silent and comfortable floating floor existing in the market today.”

As far as step sound, Wicanders Acousticork NRT® reduces the drum sound effect by up to 10 decibels more than any other conventional floor covering. In impact sound reduction, (the noise your downstairs neighbors hear) the structural composition of natural Cork Oak can reduce noise from up to 20 to 24 decibels. The smooth silence is dramatic. Imagine a peace and silence that just radiates through the room.

Acousticork NRT® flooring is excellent for use in apartment buildings, town homes, condominiums, and anywhere silence and privacy are valued. NRT is a perfect solution for diminishing the echo effect of large corridors, office buildings, and hallways.

Acousticork NRT® flooring is also being utilized in specialty rooms such as libraries, classrooms, conference areas, and home theaters because of its incredible silencing property. An
intelligent design that brings a level of comfort, ease, and serenity to any space, Wicanders Acousticork NRT® is an innovation ideal for any environment.

Wicanders’ Acousticork NRT® is a product of Amorim Flooring, a company based in Portugal. Amorim has been the environmentally conscious world leader in the Cork industry for over 130 years, and is the proud manufacturer of WicCork & WicWood Cork Oak Flooring, and Acousticork NRT®. Amorim's North American headquarters is located in Hanover, Maryland.

For more information about Acousticork NRT®, or WicCork & WicWood Cork Oak Flooring, please contact Paulo Nogueira, Managing Director of Amorim Flooring, N.A., at 410.553.6062 or
visit the Wicanders brand website at

Wicanders. Born of Nature, Fashioned for Living.™


Peace and Silence

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