paver tile flooring


Paver Tile Floors

paver tile floorsPaver tile floors look like bricks that have been turned sideways and then sawed in half. They are about 1 -inch thick and come in all the colors that bricks are made in. Once installed, paver tiles look the same as brick pavers but they're about half as thick.

Members of the "burnt clay" family, pavers and paver tiles are durable and frost-proof. The typical size is 4 x 8 inches, but they are now being manufactured in other shapes and sizes as well. Pieces with a bull-nosed edge are used on the front of stair treads and around swimming pools. Because pavers and paver tiles are used primarily on floors and decks, other trims are not usually available.

Another type of paver floor tile is the manufactured variety. This is becoming quite popular and for good reason. The tiles are placed on a fiberglass mesh during the manufacturing process making installation much easier than traditional pavers. Also, there is more flexibility when determining color and design of the final product, allowing for a substantial creative edge over typical bricks. Cutting is also simplified during installation, eliminating the need for a wet saw or manual tile cutter.

All in all, the choices are about endless regarding this type of flooring. Whatever your choice is, be assured that you are putting down something that will not only allow to effectively accessorize the outside areas of your home with striking effect, but should literally last forever as well.

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