tuftex carpet


Tuftex Carpet

tuftex carpetTuftex Carpet, a division of Shaw Industries, Inc., is the largest carpet manufacturer in the Western United States. We have achieved this position by concentrating on three important issues: Style, Value, and Quality.

Tuftex is committed to maintaining our position as a leader in carpet style, value and quality. Every product we make is an example of this commitment The variety of Tuftex' carpet styles and colors sets us apart from our competitors. Our wide range of choices for our customers is unique in the carpet industry. The products we provide include shags, cables, friezes, cut pile berbers and more. Additionally, Tuftex has been recognized as an industry leader in residential color trends.

Tuftex strives to combine unique styling with affordable pricing. As a division of Shaw Industries, Inc. , we have the buying power to match our innovative styling. You are assured of receiving the carpet you want, at a price you can afford.

According to realtors, location is everything. This has proven true for Tuftex. Our location has played a significant role in our success. Our Southern California site has enabled us to remain closely attuned to the current design trends and consumer preferences. Tuftex products are known for their innovative style, high quality, and contemporary color trends.

Tuftex is known for our commitment to quality. Each of our products provides the best in performance and stain protection. Regardless of the Tuftex product you choose for your home, you can be confident in its ability to handle your family's lifestyle.

See Also: Tuftex Carpet Profile

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