masland carpet


Masland Carpetmasland carpet

Since 1866,  Masland Carpet has insisted our carpets and rugs are designed "Always better than need be".  This assures our products are consistently recognized as preferred, or premium quality.  This tradition of manufacturing quality product has been practiced for over 130 years and continues to be practiced today.     


masland carpetOriginality � Masland has an established tradition of bringing original  new products to the marketplace.  Compare the appearance of  Masland�s Brandywine, Reggae, Pebbletex, Braided Touch, or  Ceylon with other products in the marketplace.  You will notice a distinctive design, innovative construction, and unique color treatment.  These special features make Masland carpets and rugs truly original.

Fashion � From classic patterns and textures to the latest fashion color palettes,  extraordinary measures have been taken to assure Masland carpets and rugs represent the foremost  in  fashion  for your home.


Lasting Beauty � Masland has a tradition of using the best  materials and manufacturing methods.  This assures both our carpet and rugs will retain their beauty, year after year.




See Also: Masland Carpet Profile

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