Seller's Guide | |  |
(If you would like to sell on this site, please register.)
Selling an item (or items) online in an classified ad format can be very
effective. We encourage you to post as many items as you like. Here is some
information which will help get you started.
What You Should Know
Before placing your items for sale, you must first register. By becoming a
registered user you will have the ability to buy and sell items on this site.
Our fees are very simple. Each item you list costs $100.00 and can run for up to
3 months.
User Agreement
Please read our
User Agreement which outlines the site policies and terms of use.
Selling Items
In order to sell your items with our classified ads you must be a registered
user. After you have registered, just follow these simple steps.
Click on the Place an Ad link.
Choose your options and enter the information for your classified ad.
Upload an image of the item, if you choose.
Click Finish to submit your ad.
All ads that are submitted are validated for content, and payments are
processed, before being activated by the site administrator.
In the event you need to edit your ad, you should email your text changes to
info@floorbiz.com The site
administrator will update your ad for you.
Payment for our classified ad fees is accepted via credit card. We accept
MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
| Transmitted: 3/13/2025 1:55:55 PM Flooring Classifieds