Oriental Rugs

Oriental RugOpen virtually any magazine on decorating and you'll find Oriental rugs used as integral part of the decor. Oriental rugs blend wonderfully with contemporary, formal, ornate, casual and traditional decorating styles. Oriental rugs are as adaptable to the casual living styles of today as to a formal board room.

Oriental rugs are thick and rich, high in art content, often in multi-colored patterns or featuring representational designs. The typical color range for an oriental rug includes black, soft yellow, pastel pink, peach, apricot and blue.

Originally oriental rugs were hand-woven in China, oriental rugs are now made in Romania, Iran and India as well. Oriental rugs represent good value as labor costs remain low. The most expensive oriental rugs are woven from silk, cheaper oriental rugs from wool.

The warmth and beauty of Oriental rugs bring interest and luxury into almost every room in the house. Their amazingly resilient and durable qualities make oriental rugs perfectly suited for heavily traveled areas as well as seldom-used parlors.