Carpet Rugs

Call them what you please ... area rugs, throw rugs, scatter rugs ... there's a vast assortment available from every part of the world. The term "rug" generally applies to a handmade piece, while the term carpet refers to goods made by machine. Buy wall-to-wall carpeting and have it cut to any size, add borders, and have the edges bound. Or select from any number of types and patterns available, either inexpensive copies or valuable collector's items. Let your tastes, needs, and budget direct you.

Call them what you please ... area rugs, throw rugs, scatter rugs ... there's a vast assortment available from every part of the world. The term "rug" generally applies to a handmade piece, while the term carpet refers to goods made by machine. Buy wall-to-wall carpeting and have it cut to any size, add borders, and have the edges bound. Or select from any number of types and patterns available, either inexpensive copies or valuable collector's items. Let your tastes, needs, and budget direct you.

Historically a carpet or rug was any decorative textile normally made of a thick material and now usually intended as a floor covering. Until the 19th century the word carpet was used for any cover, such as a table cover or wall hanging; since the introduction of machine-made products, however, it has been used almost exclusively for a floor covering. Both in Great Britain and in the United States the word rug is often used for a partial floor covering as distinguished from carpet, which frequently is tacked down to the floor and usually covers it wall-to-wall. In reference to handmade carpets, however, the names rug and carpet are used interchangeably.