
Revolution In The Cleaning Industry
Article Number: 2476
The carpet cleaning industry is not a part of what many of you may consider the formal carpet industry, but it is actually an integral segment of it. The cleaning industry accounts for more than $10 billion dollars in annual sales and it is a very fractured market with no single firm holding more than a 2% share.

Why should that be important to those in this industry? Because, unless the carpet is maintained, it will fail to perform up to the consumers’ expectations and, when that happens, the entire industry gets a black eye.

Further, unless you offer some kind of service on your products, like the automobile industry does, you’re losing valuable revenues and profit. In essence, you won’t be advantaged by servicing your customer and the industry will lose an important tie to the end user.

In my experience, most complaints are for the carpet not performing properly, and this can be displayed in many ways. When soiling and spotting are the issue, it can almost always be taken care of if the culprit is totally purged from the fiber.


One company has found unique technology which makes the dynamics of the cleaning industry revolutionary, Venturi Technologies. Not only is its system revolutionary, but so is its business plan.

Relative to cleaning, this system is not just another truck- and- uniform masqueraded as being different. It is completely new technology predicated on science and supplanted with knowledge from NASA, the oil and gas and several other industries. This cleaning system has no toxicity, uses no soap, leaves no residue to promote re-soiling, causes no over wetting, completely purges and their is total evacuates soil from the fiber.

The water, which is super hot, super pressurized and highly vaporized, is molecularly re-constructed to the point that it is not H2O anymore as you would commonly know it. Sounds like weird science doesn’t it? I have used the system and know the people and scientists involved, and this method is truly exciting. I spent 14 years heavily involved in the carpet cleaning business, and industry and Venturi is unique. Working in the area I do in the industry, I have learned to be skeptical ; and I was about this system too. But, this was no smoke and mirrors.

This science is so effective and extraordinary, it has caught the eyes of the mills. It will solve problems of maintenance and soiling without damage to the carpet, fibers, backing or pad. It so impressed the people of Beaulieu, solving some major commercial concerns and saving them several thousands of dollars, it has invested $3 million in Venturi. No other cleaning firm has ever secured such an alliance with a manufacturer.

Venturi, Beaulieu and retail stores are introducing a customer care program in the locations which Venturi services. This agreement is an industry first. It should prove to offer a true service department to the cleaning public in both the residential and commercial markets. The cleaning company has also received recommendations from Mohawk and Barrett carpets.

Not only is the technology unique and significant, but the business concept is even more exciting, further piquing the interest of major manufacturers and investors. This plan is similar to that used for waste management and BFI’s consolidation of the garbage industry. Venturi is in a growth, acquisition mode, seeking to buy, not franchise or license, the largest cleaning contractors in the industry to gain a dominant share.

There will never be an end to dirty carpets nor the need to be maintain and service broadloom. However, this is not just a carpet cleaning revolution but a true business program into which major carpet cleaning firms are jumping with both feet.

Multi-million dollar companies with 100-plus truck fleets and operators are anxious to get involved because of the technology, effectiveness, training and business plan. Venturi has proven to Wall Street, carpet is a good and growing investment venture.

The benefits to the industry are overwhelming. Saving perfectly good carpet from having to be replaced not only allows profits to stay in the coffers of the dealer and the manufacturer, but it will keep more carpet out of the landfills, helping to save the environment. All this from some supercharged water and some people not bridled by the industry who dared to think outside the box.

Oh, the wonders which can be accomplished when we don’t follow the herd.

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9/17/2007 10:48:53 PM
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